2021 All-Source RFP
On June 30, 2021, Puget Sound Energy (“PSE”) filed with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (“WUTC” or “Commission”) the final Request for Proposals for All Resources (the “All-Source RFP”) in docket UE-210220.
A draft All Source RFP was filed on April 1, 2020. After a 45-day public comment period, on June 1, 2021, PSE filed responses to all public comments and a revised RFP for Commission approval. Following an open meeting on June 11, 2021, the Commission issued Order #1 on June 14, 2021 approving with conditions PSE’s draft All Source RFP. The Commission order approving PSE’s All Source RFP may found in Commission’s web site in the All-Source RFP docket UE-210220. Information about the Commission’s approval process and how interested parties can participate can be found in the All-Source RFP Schedule and Public Participation sections below.
The All-Source RFP seeks bids from qualified respondents to supply up to 1,669 GWh of Clean Energy Transformation Act (“CETA”) eligible resources and up to 1,506 MW of capacity resources to PSE. It is an All-Source RFP, meaning that PSE will consider any electric resource or energy storage resource that can meet all or part of the company’s resource need, consistent with the requirements described in the RFP.
PSE has engaged the services of an independent evaluator (“IE”) for the All-Source RFP. Information about the role and scope of the IE, and PSE’s IE selection process is can be found in the RFP document below and in Recent RFPs.
To submit a bid for the 2021 All-Source RFP, qualified respondents must create and register an account at PSE’s RFP submission portal.
2021 All Source RFP Schedule
All-Source RFP Schedule
The estimated schedule below was approved as part of the All-Source RFP by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (“WUTC”) in June 2021. As noted in the RFP, it is subject to adjustment based on the actual pace of the evaluation process. See 2022 Targeted DER RFP for the expected timing of the Targeted Distributed Energy Resources RFP, including Demand Response.
All-Source RFP status update: April 11, 2022
PSE has completed the first phase of its RFP evaluation process, as shown in the schedule below. For Phase 2, PSE intends to incorporate into its analysis feedback from stakeholders and the Commission related to the impacts of climate change and PSE’s approach to calculating the capacity contributions of resources (“ELCCs”).
These updates are part of a broader set of model updates that are currently being developed and are expected to be completed this summer with input from stakeholders for the 2023 Integrated Resource Plan (“IRP”) Progress Report. PSE has updated the Phase 2 schedule below to account for the expected timing of these critical inputs to the All-Source RFP Phase 2 modeling.
For more information, see PSE’s response to public comments filed on December 3, 2021 pursuant to Order 1 in Docket UE-210220. Click IRP stakeholder process for more information about upcoming stakeholder meetings and the topics for discussion.
Additionally, PSE issued its Targeted DER RFP in February 2022. As required by WAC 480-107-009(4), PSE will perform a combined analysis of the most favorable resources from both RFPs prior to making its final resource selections, as indicated in the schedule below.
April 1, 2021
Draft All-Source RFP filed with WUTC
May 17, 2021
Public comment period ends
June 11, 2021
WUTC Open Meeting1
June 15, 2021
WUTC review period ends; decision anticipated
June 30, 2021
PSE issued final All-Source RFP to bidders
July 29 2021
PSE hosted bidders’ conference2
August 31, 2021
PSE hosted workshop to discuss ELCC assumptions (9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. PST)3
September 2021
PSE hosted workshop to review further analysis of market reliance reduction3
September 1, 2021
Proposals and bid fees (RFP Section 6, Table 8) due to PSE
October 1, 2021
PSE posted compliance report consistent with the requirements of WAC 480-107-035(5)
October 8, 2021
PSE posted E3 ELCC report (see ELCC Workshop materials below in the 2021 RFP Bidders’ Conference and Stakeholder Workshops section)
January 2022
PSE provides opportunity for bidders to revise/augment their Customer Benefit Plans by January 31, 2022 once PSE’s CEIP is finalized
Q1 2022
PSE completed Phase 1 screening process and selected Phase 2 candidates, notified bidders
November 2022
PSE selects All-Source RFP short list, completes concurrent evaluation of All-Source and Distributed Energy Resources RFPs, notifies bidders
To follow
Post-proposal negotiations
To follow
PSE files compliance report consistent with the requirements of WAC 480-107-145(2)4
1 Interested parties may also obtain information about the timing of future open meetings, access information and agendas on the Open Meetings page of the WUTC web site.
2 All-Source RFP bidders’ conference details are provided in the 2021 RFP Bidders' Conference and Stakeholder Workshops section below.
3 Details about the ELCC workshop and market reliance reduction workshop can be found in the 2021 RFP Bidders' Conference and Stakeholder Workshops section below.
4 Required to be filed with the Commission within 90 days of the conclusion of any RFP process. -
Updates and Notifications
As the All-Source RFP process progresses and new information becomes available, PSE will update this portion of the website to include information related to a variety of RFP topics.
Q & A from bidders and interested parties
Questions about the 2021 All Source RFP may be directed to PSE’s AllSourceRFPmailbox@noujcf.com. PSE will periodically tabulate and post questions received and PSE’s responses for the benefit of all interested parties. PSE will not include company names, project names, contact information or other identifying descriptors in the Q&A posted to the website.
- Q & A from bidders and interested parties from RFP mailbox (updated 9/1/21) [Note to bidders: PSE has provided a clarification in its response to question #72 regarding site control]
RFP Process Updates and Press Releases
Updates to the RFP schedule will be provided in the All-Source Schedule above. See 2021 Summer RFP Bidders' Conference Workshops below for details about the bidders' conference, ELCC workshop and market reliance workshop. All RFP process updates and press releases will be posted here.
- PSE issues press release announcing the development of the Appaloosa Solar Project that PSE will own and operate and a power purchase agreement (PPA) signed between PSE and BrightNight for the Greenwater Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in Washington. (9/24/24)
- PSE issues press release announcing the signing of a 25-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with Clearway Energy Group for the Haymaker Wind Farm in Montana. (7/23/24)
- PSE issues press release announcing the signing of a 15-year power purchase agreement (PPA) between PSE and Invenergy’s Vantage Wind Energy Center in Ellensburg, Washington. The agreement enables PSE to acquire 90 MW of clean energy per year, beginning in 2025. (7/12/23)
- PSE issues a notice and invitation to 2021 All Source RFP bidders to submit revised/augmented Customer Benefit Plans following PSE's filing of its final 2021 CEIP on December 17, 2021 (1/10/22).
- PSE provides more information about available LSR interconnection options in the LSR Summary Document in the data room (see “2021 All-Source RFP Documents and Submission” below for access instructions). The Q&A file has also been updated to clarify certain points related to this topic. (updated 8/11/21, see “Q&A from Bidders and Interested Parties” in “Updates and Notifications” above).
- PSE establishes LSR data room for bidders interested in using PSE’s LSR development assets in their 2021 All-Source RFP bids (see “2021 All Source RFP Documents and Submission” below for instructions on requesting access to the data room).
- PSE issues press release announcing the issuance of the 2021All-Source RFP to bidders (7/13/21)
- PSE posts Final 2021 All-Source RFP documents (updated 6/30/2021, see "2021 All-Source RFP Documents and Submission" below).
RFP Docket Updates (UE-210220)
Interested parties can find information about the 2021 All-Source RFP approval process and any subsequent updates on the WUTC's web site in the All-Source RFP docket UE-210220. PSE will post here a compliance report within 30 days after the close of the bidding period, consistent with the requirements of WAC 480-107-035(5).
- PSE files in docket UE-210220, the Independent Evaluator’s Final 2021 All-Source RFP Report:
- PSE files in docket UE-210220 its 2021 All-Source RFP Close-out Report pursuant to WAC 480-107-145(2). PSE is also posting a copy of the report here in an effort to make this information more broadly available to stakeholders. (11/27/24)
- PSE files in docket UE-210220 an informational notice to interested parties about an upcoming meeting on August 24, 2022, at which PSE’s 2022 effective load carrying capability (“ELCC”) updates will be presented. Details for participating in the August 24th meeting, as well as meeting materials, can be found on PSE's IRP website. (filed 8/16/22)
- PSE posts a response to public comments related to PSE’s effective load carrying capability (“ELCC”) estimates and use in the company’s all-source request for proposals pursuant to Order 1 in WUTC docket UE-210220.
- PSE posts a proposal summary report pursuant to WAC 480-107-035(5), which includes an attachment containing a summary of each proposal and offer received. PSE also files an informational filing in docket UE-210220, in an effort to make this information more broadly available to stakeholders. (posted 10/1/21) UE-210220
- WUTC issued in docket UE-210220 a notice extending the deadline for opportunity to comment on PSE’s effective load carrying capability (“ELCC”) estimates and use in its All-Source RFP (issued 9/23/21)
- WUTC issued in docket UE-210220 a notice of opportunity for public comment on PSE’s effective load carrying capability (“ELCC”) estimates and use in its All-Source RFP (issued 8/31/21)
- 2021 All- Source RFP compliance letter and final redlines filed to WUTC docket UE-210220 (updated 6/30/21)
- 2021 All Source RFP cover letter and redlines filed to WUTC docket UE-210220 (updated 6/8/21)
- 2021 All Source RFP cover letter and response to public comments, and revised final RFP filed to WUTC docket UE-210220 (updated 6/1/21)
- 2021 All-Source RFP cover letter and redlines filed to WUTC docket UE-210220 (updated 5/10/21)
2021 RFP Bidders' Conference and Stakeholder Workshops
RFP Bidders’ Conference
PSE hosted an online bidders’ conference on July 29, 2021 to provide information designed to help bidders prepare and submit their proposals. Click the links below to view the conference materials.
- Bidders’ Conference presentation (posted 8/6/21)
- Q&A from bidders and interested parties (see Tab for Bidders' Conference Q&A, updated 8/11/21)
- Bidders' Conference video recording (posted 8/11/21)
- Bid submission demonstration video (posted 8/11/21)
Bidders are encouraged to submit questions to PSE’s AllSourceRFPmailbox@noujcf.com. Questions received through the RFP mailbox and during the conference will be posted to this web site for the benefit of all bidders.
ELCC Workshop
PSE hosted an effective load carrying capability (“ELCC”) workshop on August 31, 2021 to give interested parties an opportunity to learn more about the modeling approach and assumptions used to derive the generic and resource-specific capacity contribution assumptions PSE uses in its planning and acquisition analyses. Click the links below to view the conference materials.
- Resource adequacy primer (posted 8/24/21)
- ELCC workshop presentation – PSE slides (revised 8/31/21)
- ELCC workshop presentation – Consultant slides (revised 8/31/21)
- ELCC workshop video recording (posted 9/2/21)
- ELCC workshop Q&A (posted 9/10/21)
- E3 report on ELCC methodology and assumptions (posted 10/8/21)
On August 31, 2021, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission issued in WUTC docket UE-210220 a public notice of opportunity to file written comments related to Puget Sound Energy’s effective load carrying capability (“ELCC”) estimates and use in the company’s all-source request for proposals. Comments were initially due by the end of September; however, in light of the October 8 timing of E3’s final report, the Commission has issued a notice extending the comment deadline to 5:00 p.m., Friday, October 22, 2021. Click the link below to view a downloadable copy of the notice to extend the comment deadline, which includes instructions for submitting comments to the WUTC.
- WUTC Docket UE-210220 – Notice extending deadline for opportunity to comment (posted 9/27/21)
- WUTC Docket UE-210220 – Notice of opportunity to comment (posted 8/31/21)
PSE will file a response to comments filed pursuant to this notice within six weeks of this notice’s deadline, by Friday, December 3, 2021.
Market Reliance Workshop
PSE will host a workshop on September 30, 2021 from 1:00 p.m. to approximately 3:00 p.m. PST to discuss the analysis of its proposed market reliance reduction with stakeholders. Stakeholders will have an opportunity to ask questions during the meeting. Click register to sign up for the online event. Click the link below to view the presentation slides.
- Market Reliance Workshop presentation (posted 9/23/21)
- Market Reliance Workshop video recording (posted 10/8/21)
- Market Reliance Workshop Q&A (posted 10/11/21)
Questions about the conference may be sent to AllSourceRFPmailbox@noujcf.com. Questions received through the RFP mailbox and during the workshop will be posted to this web site for the benefit of all interested parties.
2021 All-Source RFP Documents and Submission
PSE filed an All-Source RFP with the WUTC on April 1, 2021. PSE subsequently filed redlines to the RFP main document and certain exhibits in docket UE-210220. On June 11, 2021, the Commission approved the RFP and PSE filed the final 2021 All- Source RFP on June 30, 2021. Interested parties can view and download the final RFP by clicking the links below, or by visiting the WUTC's All- Source RFP docket UE-210220
To submit a bid for the 2021 All -Source RFP, qualified respondents must create and register an account at PSE’s RFP submission portal.Questions about the All-Source RFP may be submitted to the AllSourceRFPmailbox@noujcf.com. PSE will periodically tabulate and post questions received and PSE’s responses for the benefit of all interested parties. PSE will not include company names, project names, contact information or other identifying descriptors in the Q&A posted to the website. See Updates and Notifications section above to view a current copy of the Q&A.
Final 2021 All-Source RFP Materials:
RFP Main Document (updated 6/30/2021)- For bidders interested in using PSE’s Lower Snake River development assets in their 2021 All-Source RFP bids, please send an email to AllSourceRFPmailbox@noujcf.com requesting access. The email subject line should read “2021 All Source RFP: LSR Data Room Access Request” and the body of the email must include a) the first and last name of the individual requesting access, b) the company affiliation, and c) the email address for a return invitation email to be sent. Access will be set up within 24 hours.
- PSE provides more information about available LSR interconnection options in the LSR Summary Document in the data room (see “2021 All-Source RFP Documents and Submission” below for access instructions). The Q&A file has also been updated to clarify certain points related to this topic. (updated 8/11/21, see “Q&A from Bidders and Interested Parties” in “Updates and Notifications” above).
- Notice and invitation to 2021 All Source RFP bidders to submit revised/augmented Customer Benefit Plans following PSE's filing of its final 2021 CEIP on December 17, 2021 (1/10/22).
Exhibit A. Evaluation Criteria and Scoring (updated 6/30/2021)
Exhibit B: Proposal Requirements Forms* (updated 6/30/2021)
- Exhibit B clarifications and updates (updated 8/11/2021)
- Bid submission demonstration video (updated 8/11/2021)
Exhibit C. Mutual Confidentiality Agreement PDF | Word
Exhibit D. Schedule of Estimated Avoided Cost
Exhibit E. Prototype Ownership Term Sheet PDF | Word
Exhibit F. Prototype Capacity and/or Energy Agreement Term Sheet PDF | Word (updated 6/1/2021)
Exhibit G. Prototype Clean Energy PPA Term Sheet PDF | Word (updated 6/1/2021)
Exhibit H. PSE Transmission Available for Bidder Proposals in this RFP (updated 6/8/2021)
Exhibit I. Energy Storage System Location Study (updated 6/30/2021)
Exhibit J. PSE Customer Consent Letter PDF | Word
Exhibit K. Demand Response Addendum (updated 6/8/2021)* PSE has undertaken a significant automation effort to help improve the efficiency and accuracy of the RFP process. Exhibit B is the primary input to this process. To help bidders successfully submit their proposals, PSE will provide the following:
- a downloadable user instruction manual on how to navigate and use the RFP submission portal and its core features and functions,
- a downloadable user reference on typical expected data validation error messages,
- a live demonstration at the bidders’ conference to show bidders how to submit a proposal and what to expect with the automated screening,
- unlimited access to submit and resubmit proposals during the RFP submission window, and
- a three‐day cure period after the RFP due date to allow bidders to remedy any unacceptable term or condition, or other non‐conforming criteria or fatal flaw in a proposal.
Questions about Exhibit B and the automated submission process may be sent to the AllSourceRFPmailbox@noujcf.com.
Bid Fee Instructions
For a proposal to be considered complete and accepted by PSE, the bidder must successfully submit the proposal through the RFP submission portal described above and submit the appropriate bid fee (see Section 6, Table 8 in the 2021 All-Source RFP) by the proposal due date (shown in the schedule above). Bidders submitting multiple proposals must submit a separate bid fee payments for each proposal submitted.
Bidders may pay the bid fee via certified check or ACH transfer only. Bidders must annotate on the payment the PROPOSAL ID number generated upon successfully submitting the proposal on the RFP submission website. This is the only way to ensure that a payment will be correctly associated with the corresponding proposal. Failure to properly annotate a PROPOSAL ID on the method of payment may result in unnecessary delays and/or loss of the bid fee.
Mail certified checks to:
Puget Sound Energy
Attn: 2021 PSE RFP
PO BOX 91269
Bellevue, WA 98009-9269
Memo: [Bidder’s Name] RFP Proposal # XXXXXX
* PSE encourages bidders to send certified checks by registered mail in order to maintain a record of receipt.ACH Transfers require the following information:
Puget Sound Energy
Attn: 2021 PSE RFP
Routing number: 125000574
Bank account number: 479681024614
Memo: [Bidder’s Name] RFP Proposal # XXXXXX -
Public Participation
October 1, 2021 update: Consistent with the requirements of Washington Administrative Code 480-107-035(5), PSE is posting a proposal summary report, which includes an attachment containing a summary of each proposal and offer received. PSE is also providing this information in docket UE-210220 as an informational filing, in an effort to make this information more broadly available to interested stakeholders.
June 30, 2021 update: The public comment period for the 2021 All-Source RFP closed on May 17, 2021 and the open meeting was held on June 11, 2021. The All-Source RFP was thereafter approved by the WUTC in Order #1 of docket UE-210220 on June 14, 2021 (see Updates and Notifications section above).
April 1, 2021 notice: Consistent with rules established in Chapter 480-107-017 WAC, interested parties have 45 days to submit written comments after a draft RFP is filed. Written comments may be submitted electronically through the Commission’s web portal. If you are unable to submit documents via the portal, you may submit your comments by email, or by mailing or delivering an electronic copy to the Commission’s Records Center. Comment submissions should include the docket number (UE-210220), commenting party’s name and the title and date of the comments. The Commission will post in the All-Source RFP docket on its web site all comments that are provided in electronic format.
Interested parties may also participate in WUTC open meetings to discuss the draft All-Source RFP. Information about the timing of meetings and how to participate are posted to the Commission’s web site in the All-Source RFP docket UE-210220. Information about open meetings can also be found on the Commission’s website on the Open Meetings page.
The commission has 75 days after the utility files its draft RFP to approve, approve with conditions, or suspend the filed RFP. PSE's All-Source RFP was approved on June 14th, 2021 and subsequently issued on June 30, 2021.
Questions about the comment submittal process and/or requests to be placed on the Commission’s distribution list for utility RFPs can be directed to the Commission’s Records Center. Questions about the 2021 All-Source RFP and/or requests to be placed on PSE’s stakeholder distribution list for this All-Source RFP may be directed to PSE’s All-Source RFP mailbox.
See also Updates and Notifications above for information about required compliance reporting, comments and questions from interested parties, and other ad hoc RFP updates and notifications.