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2025-2026 Capacity and Firm Energy RFP

Request for Proposal

January 2024

Puget Sound Energy, Inc. (“PSE”) is interested in purchasing firm capacity and/or energy under the terms and conditions listed below.

Please note that PSE reserves the right to change or terminate this RFP. PSE also reserves the right to select or reject any and/or all offers.

Respondents should direct any questions to Zac Yanez at There is no deadline for questions.

The accompanying offer spreadsheet is due via email, by noon PPT February 7, 2024, to

PSE may consider non-conforming bids on a case-by-case basis.

PSE will rank offers based on cost and ability to meet PSE’s capacity and CETA energy needs. Offers that demonstrate clear equity benefits will be given preference relative to otherwise similarly priced offers. Please identify all equity benefits on the offer spreadsheet.

  • 2025-2026 Firm Capacity/Energy RFP Details
  • RFP Schedule